Student Union Building with Person Walkin

Spring 2024 ASU Meetings & Events

Club Days
Upcoming ASU Events


Finance Committee Meetings

Tuesdays @ 1:00PM

Skybox Conference Room

All budget requests are due to the ASU email at by 12:00PM on the Thursday prior to the meeting.

  • February 13th
  • February 27th
  • March 12th
  • March 26th
  • April 9th
  • April 23th
  • May 14th
  • May 28th

Executive Council Meetings

Tuesdays @ 2:00PM

Skybox Conference Room

All Requests to be added to the agenda are due to the ASU President by 12:00PM on the Thursday prior to the meeting.

  • February 13th
  • February 27th
  • March 12th
  • March 26th
  • April 9th
  • April 23th
  • May 14th
  • May 28th

Inter-Club Council Meetings

Thursdays @ 1:00PM 

Skybox Conference Room

All ICC Agenda requests must be submitted to the ASU Vice President by 12:00PM the Monday prior to the meeting.

  • Febuary 15th
  • Febuary 29th
  • March 14th
  • April 9th
  • April 23th
  • May 16th

Spring 2024 ASU Club Days

Tuesdays 10:00AM - 1:00PM

Student Union Plaza

  • Tuesday, February 20, 2024
  • Tuesday, March 5, 2024
  • Tuesday, April 16, 2024 
  • Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Events are open to ALL students. ASU encourages students to pay the $10 ASO to join clubs and access ASU member benefits.



LACCD encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation, or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact the Office of Student Life at (818) 778-5516 as soon as possible, but no later than ten (10) business days prior to the event. For more information, please visit the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) website.